Workshop Series

  • In our attempts to create a fixed and unassailable sense of self, we often split ourselves from the world and increase our physical, mental and spiritual suffering. The Work of Return embraces our symptoms as they are and allows them to transform until they no longer stand in the way of wholeness but actually become an ally in our search for it.

    Through a system of movement, sound and breath, this practice attends to physical and emotional symptoms. It helps shift belief systems, states of stress and chronic pain. It results in a fuller sense of presence, a healthier ego, a more dynamic human life, and a deeper relationship with reality and our own nature.

    The Work of Return can be used as an addition to other psychological or meditative approaches, or on its own as a path toward spiritual awakening. It is also currently being used by many therapists as an adjunct to psychotherapy and physical therapy.

  • A method of working with internal and external conflicting questions which evoke a shift in consciousness and encourages a new relationship with the issue(s) at hand. This is offered as a 4-week series.

  • An exploration of the Nondual Kabbalistic Healing paradigm, culminating in the opportunity to learn and practice the first healing taught in the 4-year training course. This can be taught as a one-day workshop, two half-day workshops, or as a 6-week series.

  • A 6-week series that uses short passages from nondual teachings to rekindle our relationship to our wholeness.

  • The purpose of this 6-week series is to give you exposure to a variety of ways to meditate. In each session, we’ll introduce a new meditation, provide context, practice it together and share our experiences.

    You may find that you’re more drawn to some meditations than others. This is your opportunity to explore a range of possibilities so that you can experiment with them on your own.